4G Speed Test: The Winner Samsung Galaxy S 4G

A number of 4G smartphone is already emerging in this early 2011. And it makes many wonder, where the 4G mobile phone that has a speed above the other.

A speed test conducted by MSNBC recently been published to be known to the public. Test it includes five 4G mobile phone:

  1. iPhone 4
  2. HTC Inspire 4G
  3. HTC MyTouch 4G
  4. Samsung Galaxy S 4G
  5. HTC Evo Shift 4G

Of the five 4G mobile phones, the speed test shows Samsung 4G Galaxy S as 4G mobile phones with the highest speed. Average download speeds are a maximum of 7.81 Mbps and Mbps 10:34. Lowest position occupied by HTC Inspire 4G with an average download speed 2:13 Mbps.

Of course this can not be beaten flat simply because the phone is concerned. Another factor that determines the carrier used is because each of the 4G mobile phone: T-Mobile, AT & T and Sprint. But at least the results of speed tests that can be your references before buying a 4G mobile phone.
