Today, Motorola Mobility India launched MILESTONE XT800. The first android phone dual mode GSM-CDMA in India with a touch screen. This phone comes with features HDMI out for TV out and other multimedia features. Motorola Milestone XT800 is still running the Android OS 2.1 and distributed exclusively by AirTyme Communications.
Key Specifications of the MILESTONE XT800 include:
- 3.7inch 854×480 pixel FWVGA landscape touch display
- 5MP camera with digital-zoom, autofocus, dual LED flash
- Android 2.1 platform with pinch to zoom capacitive touch display
- SMS, MMS, email (corporate email exchange , POP3/IMAP embedded, push email)
- USB 2.0 high-speed data transfer, with support for synchronization with PCs
- Bluetooth1&3 2.0+EDR high-speed transmission and wireless Bluetooth stereo
- Assisted GPS satellite navigation1&2 supporting Google Maps
- Support for viewing and editing documents in Word/Excel/PowerPoint/PDF and Zip formats
- Memory is expandable up to 32GB; 2GB SD card in-box
- Wi-Fi, e-Compass
- Video capture/playback/streaming, HDMI (720p) output to high-definition devices
- Supports several music formats: H.263, H.264, MPEG4
- Supports multiple audio formats: AAC, ACC+, MP3, CMX, AMR NB, AMR WB, MIDI, WAV and WMA 9.
Source: fonearena
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