EdgeCenter 3770: New HTPC is hidden behind the TV

Out of the house Piixl a new Media Center PC was introduced, but which appears in a very unusual format. This is meant to EdgeCenter 3770, which is attached as an Ultra-Slim HTPC behind an HDTV television is via the VESA mount, and which by the look of even more of a fat credit points.

The facilities of the new media PCs include a 3GHz Intel Core 2 Duo and Core i7 processors as an extra option i5/Core a Blu-Ray/DVD reader / burner, 4 USB 2.0 ports, an integrated card reader and a 2.5 inch hard drive slot. According to the manufacturer of the new HTPC Media on TVs can be mounted from a size of 37 inches without any problems. More information is available on the device via the source and the price was estimated at about 2.490 pounds (about 2768 €).

